The results of the environmental audit in Slovak school are now available in part Pages, subpage Dissemination, Slovakia
Today (12/06/2019) we have finished the noticeboard with the results of our environmental review. It is placed in the main hall of the school and available to the pupils, teachers, parents and the public.
We are doing the poster presentation - results of our environmental review, which will be available for all the students and the teachers at school and visitors, parents and other public entering our school.
Environmental education is one step of the Green School methodology. One of the big problems of today are acid rains.
We take care of our environment. More than 10 small trees found their temporary place in our school atrium before their planting on suitable place.
Step 2 - Environmental review
Completing an Environmental Review allowed our school to gain a realistic picture of it’s current environmental performance.
Proenvironmental education at Slovak school. The main topic: Water, its cycle, protection, consumtion and importance.
Proenvironmental education at our Slovak school is mainly focused on school grounds. We focused on relationships between plants and organisms from ecological aspects as well.
World Water Day 2019 at our school was focused on chemical quality of water and its analyse under the lab conditions.
Every partner's school presented their school from ecology point of view during the short - term joint staff training event in Poland.
We attended the first project meeting, a short-term joint staff training event and met with partners from 5 partner schools (Poland, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Romania). We spent 4 working days in Poland that were full of project activities, opportunities to know each other, how we work, think, cooperate.
The first short - term exchange of the groups of students took part from 14th January to 18th January in partner’s school Zakladna skola, Dargovskych hrdinov 19, Humenne in Slovakia.
Brief presentation of activities during short - term joint staff training event in Poland from 17th December to 20th December 2018 made by Slovak partner's school.
Program of the 1st mobility ERASMUS+ project Little steps make a difference. Together, we care for our home. Humenne, Slovakia January 14th - January 18th, 2019.